
Which is the best social media channel for your business?

As a small business owner, it is your duty to conduct your own marketing in order to rope in as many customers as possible – after all, how else is your business expected to stay afloat? The more customers you have, the better your business will perform in terms of revenue and profits, but to get the clients on board, your advertising needs to be right.

In today’s world, it is imperative that you have a digital advertising strat... Continue Reading

Finding the right buyer for your business

If you're getting ready to sell your business it's likely you're very keen that it falls into experienced hands, particularly if you've built it from scratch. There are many ways to market the sale of your business and in many ways, it is this process that will dictate the type of buyer who shows interest in your company.

However, there are also many other ways of attracting the right type of buyer and making the... Continue Reading

Getting the right business buyers on board

Your potential buyer should the sole focus as you prepare to sell your business, and getting the right buyer on board is imperative to making your sale a successful one.

In order to get the right acquirer, you need to assess your company as objectively as possible and see what kind of buyer will be most attracted and suited to your company at all. Will the buyer in question be looking to make a strategic acquisition so as t... Continue Reading

Buying a business: What red flags do I need to be aware of?

There are many things to consider when purchasing a business, and all aspects need to be assessed thoroughly before taking the next step towards acquisition. Evaluating how well the company in question fits with your existing portfolio and strategy, its reputation and size, and its ability to boost your revenue down the line are all factors that need heavy consideration.

However, what also ought to be addressed is the number of red ... Continue Reading

Selling your business: A guide beyond the financials

Of course, you will need to consult your accountant on matters relating to the financial aspects of the sales process, but you, as a business owner, will also need to consider the fact that a potential buyer will want to see more than just cashflow and tax statements. No doubt these are important, but a good sale portfolio will encompass a number of other factors that are critical to evaluate from a buyers’ perspective, especially when it comes... Continue Reading

Assess your next acquisition’s growth potential

There are numerous reasons why you may wish to acquire a new business; from wanting to take over a larger market share, to diversifying your product or service range, or simply to boost your profit margins, the options and opportunities are endless. However, this does not mean that any old business is worthy of acquisition. Nowadays, it’s imperative that a strategic decision is made prior to purchase to ensure compatibility with your existing c... Continue Reading

Does it cost to sell my business?

It might be counterintuitive to first-time business sellers, but if that is you and you are exploring an exit strategy, it is important to know that it does cost to sell your business? How much you would like to spend, however, is entirely up to you, depending on how you wish to market, how involved in the sales process you wish to be, and how much professional support you think you will require.

Below, we’ve explored a f... Continue Reading

Five popular exit strategies for entrepreneurs

So you've built yourself a company from scratch and now you're considering your exit options. As an ambitious and passionate entrepreneur you won't necessarily want to simply sell to the highest bidder, so it's important to weigh up the pros and cons of each exit strategy before you take the plunge.

Below we've explored five of the most common exit strategies, including their main advantages and disadvantages... Continue Reading

How could Brexit affect the sale of your business?

The decision for the UK to leave the European Union was a historic one, causing a great deal of controversy and debate both inside and outside of the business world. However, for British businesses the decision has resulted in confusion and concern for the future, both in terms of the daily running of businesses and the buying and selling of companies.

We've explored some of the ways Brexit could affect the sale of your busines... Continue Reading

Thinking of selling? Here are five mistakes you need to avoid

If you're a first-time seller there are a number of pitfalls you'll need to avoid to ensure you get the highest price possible without leaving your buyer feeling hard done by. We've listed five of the most common mistakes you could make when selling your business, and explained how you can avoid making them.

1: Time it right

Of course, it's impossible to perfectly time the sale of your business, but i... Continue Reading

Is your business ready to expand?

According to a report released by the House of Commons in 2018, there are roughly 5.4 million micro-businesses operating across the UK, meaning that they each have fewer than nine employees to their names. Altogether, they account for 96 per cent of all business in the country.

And although it appears that there is much scope for growth amongst these firms, often the reason for their failure is due to the lack of planning required t... Continue Reading

Don’t start a business; buy one instead

If you’re hoping to break into the world of business, there are two ways in which to get started: either starting one from scratch or buying a business from another owner. By no means are either of the two options a simple choice to make - any savvy entrepreneur will need to weigh the pros and cons of each before making a formal decision. However, buying a business can often be slightly easier than fostering a start-up, purely due to the risks ... Continue Reading

Four ways to transform your social media presence in preparation for a sale

The impact that social media has had on the way businesses market to their customers (and market themselves) is undeniable. So before you consider searching for a buyer, make sure you invest some time and money boosting your digital presence.

We've put together a list of four ways you can transform your social media presence before taking the plunge and putting your business on the market:

Select the right platform... Continue Reading

Small budget? Expand anyway!

A small business can be the pride and joy of your life, and it is most likely something you have nurtured right from the very beginning. No doubt, there has been a lot of sweat and tears invested in ensuring your company takes off. But, while running a small business can be incredibly rewarding in your career, it can also often mean that you’re working with a small budget which can be quite frustrating, especially if you are looking to expand. ... Continue Reading

A first-timer's guide to buying a business

If you're considering purchasing your first business, it's almost certain that you'll have started the process of narrowing down the kind of business you'd be interested in buying. However, as a first-time buyer you're likely to have a long list of questions regarding the purchase process, as well as one extra question that's likely to linger in your mind: are you making the right decision?

Unfortunately... Continue Reading