
Digital dominance: here is why it is easier to sell your business online

In a world that is increasingly moving online, it should come as no surprise that matters pertaining to your business should also move in the same trajectory – including the sale of your company! A traditional and somewhat archaic way of doing things, keeping sales matters on a face-to-face level can often be inhibiting in terms of achieving the best possible outcome, largely as a result of the limited reach and access to potential buyers. In a... Continue Reading

Four key ways you can add value to your business

When considering the sale of your business you'll want to ensure your company is as valuable as possible. Bricks and mortar alone won't get you a lot of money - to make sure you receive the money your company is worth you'll need to invest some time and energy in adding value to your firm.

Carefully manage your customer relationships

When it comes to adding to and managing the value of your business, one ... Continue Reading

Buying a business: Are you asking the right questions?

If you've considered buying a business you probably know you need to take care to ask the right questions, not only to demonstrate your interest but also to ensure you get a good deal. But while many of these will be sorted by your accountant or financial advisor, you will be responsible for asking those that are slightly more generic, but no less important.

We've put together a list of 10 questions you should be asking an... Continue Reading

Thinking ahead: Preparing to sell your business in a few years time

Selling and buying a business is complex and takes time, so as a seller the best thing you can do to ensure you achieve your ideal price is to prepare as thoroughly as possible over a number of years before taking the plunge. Buyers will scrutinise every aspect of your business, seeking any flaw that could reduce the worth of your company and get them a better deal. However, by preparing thoroughly you can give yourself time to address any issues... Continue Reading

Sun’s out, plans out: Prepare your business for the summer

For most businesses, the summer months can often be a quiet time of the year, but that shouldn’t stop you from planning ahead to make the most out of the traditionally slow season. After all, spirits are high during the sunny months, and it would be a waste to not capitalise on the happy nature of your clients and customers alike during this time, regardless of how your company operates.

You may be anticipating a lull in business ... Continue Reading

Selling your business: 4 ways to make a swift exit

Selling a business can take a long time - years in some cases - but there are situations where this sort of lengthy sales process isn't possible. There are many ways in which you can make a rapid exit from your business, but it's important to consider all your options to ensure you don't make the wrong choice.

Below we've discussed some of the top 'fast exit' methods of leaving your business to give you ... Continue Reading

When is the right time to sell your business?

Whether you've built your firm up from scratch or transformed an ailing company founded by someone else, choosing the right time to sell your business is important to ensure you receive the right price.

The decision you make will depend on a number of factors, and the timing may be dictated for you to a certain extent, but even in the midst of issues you should still consider all your options to establish whether you may receive... Continue Reading

Five ways to stand out amongst a sea of business buyers

So you've got your heart set on a business that's up for sale, but there's a chance you're not the only one. Whether they've confirmed that you're battling an army of potential new owners or they're keeping their cards close to their chest, you need to make sure you're as attractive as possible to the current owner.

We've put together a list of five ways you can make yourself stand out fro... Continue Reading

Selling up: Methods of valuing your business

Just like when you sell your home, the sale of your business will require you to obtain an accurate valuation of your company. If you want a quick sale it can be tempting to undervalue your business, but it's also very easy to overstate its value if you're just taking a guess.

There are a number of methods you can consider to help you find the right balance, and it's never a bad idea to consider addressing more than o... Continue Reading

Selling a business: Is tax relief available?

Although it could make you some money, selling a business can be an expensive process. There are a number of significant costs involved in sorting and marketing your business, as well as the costs involved in dealing with the sales paperwork. And that's without considering the taxes you may have to pay upon a successful sale.

Thankfully, many small business owners actually qualify for tax relief when selling their business, whi... Continue Reading

Buying a business: Do I need to pay Stamp Duty?

There are many financial considerations that will need addressing when you buy a new business and unfortunately tax is one of them. The type of tax you pay may vary depending the size and type of business you buy, but Stamp Duty is a common addition to business purchase calculations.

There are three different types of Stamp Duty you may have to pay when you purchase a small business: Stamp Duty Land Tax, Stamp Duty Reserve Tax and S... Continue Reading

Selling a family business: What do I need to be aware of?

Selling any business can be emotion-fuelled and complex, but this is even more likely to be the case if you're thinking of selling a family business. Whether it's a new business that's been nurtured with a sibling, or an established industry brand that's been run under the family name for generations, it won't always be easy to keep your head ruling over your heart so it's vital that you're thoroughly prepared.<... Continue Reading

How can digital marketing make my business more attractive to buyers?

Digital marketing has become the new business 'it' term, dominating planning and spending for small and large businesses alike as companies attempt to connect with their target audience and boost their sales. However, demonstrable strength in this area could also be a valuable factor should you decide to sell your business.

We've explored how some of the main areas of digital marketing could make your business stand ou... Continue Reading

How to turn around your newly purchased business

Congratulations! You've found and purchased a business and you're ready to transform it into the company of your dreams. But where do you start?

Whether it's in need of modernisation, lacking in innovation or just in need of an efficiently distributed cash injection, the key considerations highlighted below could help you establish the best way forward as you work to turn your business around.

Cut down on... Continue Reading

Preparing your business for the unknown - a Brexit checklist

We'll admit we're still as uncertain as the next person when it comes to the future of Britain's relationship with the EU. But what we do know it's important that small business owners prepare as well as they can, as far in advance as they can.

Whether you're reliant on imports or exports, worried about legislative changes, or looking to buy or sell, you should ensure you have a contingency plan in place so ... Continue Reading